Supporting the HR Function
Experience the only platform that is driven by the HR Learning & Development process!
i-learning is an HR initiative, offering web-based HR solutions to training challenges.
You determine the timing, level and content of training to suit the needs of your organisation.
Follow the Progress of Every Participant
Monitor the progress of staff in real time with the unique HR Application.
This is FREE OF CHARGE with all our programmes, ensuring no added administrative cost and no more hassle associated with the organisation of training.
Quality Training at Affordable Prices
Our mix of innovative technology and unique methodology allows for quality training programmes at a greatly reduced cost. Contact us to discuss your organisation's needs!
Easy, Flexible, Automated
Take advantage of our cost-saving automation features so you don't have to invest in additional resources to manage the training process. Everything is taken care of through one centralised Application, including access to participants' course completion certificates!
Comprehensive Resource Bank for Each Participant
All materials, case studies, certificates and correspondence are automatically organised and stored in each participant's i-learning account.
Personalised to the Individual's Needs
i-learning focuses entirely on the individual's needs by customising the course around their work.
Participants have their own expert tutor, who can easily be contacted through the i-learning messaging system.
Workplace-Relevant and Motivating
Training is case-study based and practical, enabling participants to relate to their own working environment. Expert tutors help participants and provide further resources as and when necessary.
Contact us now to find out how we can help you get maximum ROI while keeping full control of the training process in your hands!